RWTH Aachen University

RWTH Aachen University is one of the leading research institutes of higher education and well known for its strong position in the fields of engineering in Germany. It is situated in Aachen – a major city in the North Rhine-Westphalia State.
Before we talk about the university, please allow me to give a short introduction to the historical city of Aachen. Aachen is the westernmost city in Germany and to the border with Netherlands and Belgium. Currently it has a population of close to 250,000, which is considered a big city in Germany. The earliest human settlement in Aachen area was discovered back to 3000–2500 BC. It has been famous for manuscript production since middle ages. Aachen is the administrative centre for the coal-mining industries in the region. It has efficient public transportations to Bonn, Cologne and Ruhrgebiet. Since 1950, a committee of Aachen citizens annually awards the International Charlemagne Prize (German: Karlspreis) to personalities of outstanding service to the unification of Europe.
RWTH Aachen University is a founding member of IDEA League – a strategic alliance of five leading universities of technology in Europe. The university is also a member of TU9, DFG (German Research Foundation) and the Top Industrial Managers for Europe network. In 2011, the university accounted for the highest amount of third-party funds per faculty member among all German universities. It has been awarded German University of Excellence 3 times in a row since the start of this initiative in 2006. The recent future concept of RWTH Aachen University in 2019 is “The Integrated Interdisciplinary University of Science and Technology: Knowledge, Impact, Networks”.
Internationally, RWTH A achen University is ranked 27th in Engineering and Technology by The Times Higher Education in 2019.
Now RWTH Aachen University has an average number of students of around 42,000. 57% of the students are in engineering programs, 23% in natural science, 13% in economics and humanities and 7% in medicine.
亚琛工业大学是由五所欧洲著名的理工科大学组成的IDEA联盟的创始成员之一,同时也是德国TU9、德国科研基金委和欧洲顶级工业经理人网络的成员。2011年亚琛工业大学创下了德国全部大学之中人均第三方科研资金的最高记录。从2006年德国开始评选精英大学以来,亚琛工业大学在到目前为止所有的3次评选之中均脱颖而出。最近亚琛工业大学提出的未来发展理念是“The Integrated Interdisciplinary University of Science and Technology: Knowledge, Impact, Networks”。2019年英国泰晤士高等教育国际排名中亚琛工业大学在工程和科技类排名全球第27。
Below is a list of science and engineering programs offered at RWTH Aachen University.
Applied Geography
Applied Geosciences
Civil Engineering
Structural Engineering
Business Administration
Computational Engineering Science
Electrical Engineering
Power Engineering
Automotive Technology
Manufacturing Technology
Georesources Management
Wood Technology
Computer Science
Mechanical Engineering
Machine Technology
Materials Science
Molecular and Applied Biotechnology
Sustainable Resources and Energy Supply
Communications Engineering
Technical Communication
Computer Engineering
Textile Technology
Underground Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Transport Engineering and Mobility
Supply Technology
Materials Engineering
Next time we will guide you to Berlin and visit its universities there.