

对于德语,申请德国大学德语授课专业就读,通常需要通过DSH (Deutsche sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang) or TestDaF, 其中DSH 分三个等级, DSH 1-3, 成绩达到DSH3则是最好成绩,那么DSH和我们上图所示的A,B,C水平的关系又是什么呢:
DSH 1 : level B2
DSH 2 : level C1
DSH 3 : level C2
所以达到申请本科德语授课的最低要求是达到B2 水平, DSH 和TestDaF 即相当于上图的IELTS。
If you are planning to apply for a bachelor’s or master’s program at university in Switzerland, you should have a look at language requirements in the following text.
University of Bern
Bachelor’s degree: At the University of Bern the teaching language is German except for studies of foreign languages.
Master’s degree: The language of instruction is German , English or one or more other languages.
University of Basel
Bachelor’s degree: German language (C1 level or higher) is the primary language of instruction.
Master’s degree: German and English are the main languages of instruction.
University of Fribourg
The University of Fribourg is the only university in Switzerland that offers full range of courses in French and German language. At master level some study programs are only given in English.
University of Geneva
If you want to study at the University of Geneva, you are required to have a good level of French.
University of Neuchâtel
French language is the official language of instruction.
University of Lausanne
Bachelor’s degree: The majority of the courses at the University of Lausanne are taught in French (good level of French is required for admission to the university).
Master’s degree: Certain courses are taught partially or completely in English.
University of Lucerne
German language is the main language of instruction.
University of Lugano
At the University of Lugano the main language of instruction is Italian, with the exception of the Bachelor in Informatics, with courses taught in English.
University of St. Gallen
At the University of St.Gallen, the courses are taught in German and English language.
University of Zurich
Students applying for Bachelor’s or Master’s degree program must present proof of sufficient language skills in German. Master’s study programs are held in English.
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
Bachelor’s degree: The majority of courses are taught in French.
Master’s degree: English is the most used language.
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich ETH
Bachelor’s degree: The language of instruction in all Bachelor programs is German.
Master’s degree: The language of instruction of many Master’s degree programs is English. Some programs offer instructions in English and German.