Online Debate Class Group one

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    • #713

      Teacher Keshav:

      现任英国顶级公学威敏公学Westminster School辩论队教练领队。每周两次给威敏公学的学生教授高级辩论课程。

      Keshav has experience coaching in British Parliamentary, Public Forum and World Schools format. He is currently the lead debate coach at Westminster School – one of the UK’s most exclusive private schools as well as arguably, currently the top debating school in the country. Keshav worked as a Summer Fellow at LearningLeaders – one of China’s leading debate and public speaking companies. He worked with students of all abilities ranging from complete novices to the then reigning World Schools Champions.

      As well as coaching, Keshav is a successful competitive debater in his own right. At the 2019 World University Debating Championships, Keshav ranked as the 12th best speaker in the world. He has reached the outrounds or been a top 10 speaker at competitions across 4 continents including the Debate Korea Open, Athens Open and Kings College London IV. As an adjudicator, Keshav has judged the outrounds of over 20 competitions including the prestigious Oxford IV and Durham Schools where he chaired the semi-final. He has also Chief Adjudicated 8 competitions at the school and university level including the Finnish National Championships and St Andrews Open.

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by SKH.
    • #715

      Lesson 1:

      What did we cover?

      Introductions A discussion about why we should debate.

      Where do you stand? (Game) – In this game students can choose to agree or disagree with a statement. They then need to justify their position while refuting other students’ arguments.

      Balloon Debate (Game) – In this game students are asked to pretend to be a fictional or real character. They then need to justify why they should stay in a sinking hot air balloon instead of the other characters.

      Topics Discussed

      Are cats better than dogs?

      Should students need to wear school uniforms?

      Should we replace teachers with computers?

      A wider discussion about automation.


      Vote for your proposal and input your opinions and arguments, try to pick holes in others’ stories.

      Prepare for next lesson:

      No preparation is required for next week.

      If you have any questions please leave them in the forum.

    • #716

      Lesson 2
      What did we cover?
      Ice Breaker and review of last week
      A discussion on why style is important when convincing someone
      Churchill Game – Students took a famous Churchill speech and experimented by delivering it in different styles. We learnt that different speeches require different styles to be convincing.
      A discussion on what makes up elements of a stylish speech including body language, volume, tone, speed, eye contact etc
      Selling Game – Students had to pretend to sell an everyday object. Their pitch was judged on the basis of style and they were given feedback on this.
      Topics Discussed
      As this week focussed on style more than content, we didn’t discuss any particular motions. The Churchill game led to a brief discussion about World War II
      Individual Feedback
      By next week, please listen to the “I have a dream speech” by Martin Luther King Jr and post in the forum as to why you think it is so convincing.

    • #717

      Lesson 3
      What did we cover?
      Review of last week
      Introducting PEEL (Point, Explanation, Evidence, Link) as an argument structure
      Having each member of the group do one section of PEEL
      Playing the “Where do you stand” game with a focus on using PEEL
      Topics Discussed
      Everyone should be vegetarian
      Capital punishment should be legalised
      We should ban zoos

      Preparation for next week
      Over the next week, please use the PEEL argument structure whenever you are trying to convince people
      in your everyday life.We’ll start the next lesson by
      sharing examples of where we have used it.

    • #718

      Lesson 4

      What did we cover?
      Review of last week and homework
      A discussion about rebuttal and introduction of the “they said…but I disagree because” structure
      Get me to the breakout room (game) – a game where students need to rebut my reasons to not allow them into a separate breakout room
      Practicing direct responses – students need to select which rebuttal was a better response given two options
      Alley rebuttal (game) – students need to rapidy rebut each other’s arguments in turn
      Topics Discussed
      We should ban zoos
      We should ban homework
      Social media does more harm than good
      We should start school later
      Preparation for next week
      Over the next week, please use the rebuttal structure (“they said…but i disagree
      because”) whenever you are trying to rebut people in your everyday life. We’ll start
      the next lesson by sharing examples of where we have used it.

    • #719

      Lesson 5

      What did we cover?
      Review of last week and homework
      An introduction to Points of Information
      An explanation of how to do a formal debate
      Our first formal debate
      Topics Discussed
      Should we ban smoking?
      Preparation for next week
      Write out a full PEEL structured argument for one of the points you made in today’s debate

    • #720

      Lesson 6

      What did we cover?
      Review of last week and homework
      A discussion of what makes convincing evidence
      A full debate and feedback
      Topics Discussed
      Should we ban boxing

      Preparation for next week
      Write out a full PEEL structured argument for one of the points you made in today’s debate.

    • #721

      Lesson 7

      What did we cover?
      Review of last week and homework
      A discussion of how to come up with lots of good arguments quickly
      A full debate and feedback
      Topics Discussed
      Should we ban boxing
      Should we ban smoking
      Should students be allowed to elect their headteacher?

      Preparation for next week
      Write out a full PEEL structured argument for one of the points you made in today’s debate.

    • #722

      Lesson 8

      What did we cover?
      Review of last week and homework
      A discussion of explaining arguments fully using questions like “Why?” and “So what?”
      A full debate and feedback
      Topics Discussed
      We should sort students into classes based on their academic ability
      Should we ban smoking
      Should students be allowed to elect their headteacher?

      Preparation for next week
      Write out a full PEEL structured argument for one of the points you made in today’s debate focussing on providing full explanations by asking yourself “why” and “so what”

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